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(@206 .beats)

9.10.13 22:47 
There was a "Meet the Candidates" event at the American Legion Post 99 in Nokomis tonight from 5 to 7. It had the misfortune of being scheduled against a KFAI forum AND was scheduled on a beautiful, 77 degree night when nobody had any business being indoors pressing the flesh of candidates. As a result, during much of the time there were more candidates present than non-candidates.

I was hung up on Haiawatha Avenue and showed up about 10 minutes late. Mr. Iverson greeted me, got me signed in and directed me to the mayor tables. I sat between Mr. Cohen and Dr. Bruyere. Dr. Bruyere admitted he's visited my campaign page on Facebook, but also revealed that I hadn't sufficiently trolled him into writing any responses there. I helped Mr. Cohen assemble one of his lawn signs to decorate his table. They ended up working the room, along with the later arriving candidates.

I hope I remember everyone who was there. Captain Jack Sparrow appeared, but may have remembered the brushoff I gave him at the courthouse and didn't try to offer me any of his literature this time around. I DID have interactions with Mr. Carney, Mr. Savior and Mr. Fine in addition to the previously mentioned Mr. Cohen and Dr. Bruyere. All of them are very interesting folks in their own way. Some of them probably should not be elected mayor. (I'm sure a few of them thought that about me as well!)

Special thanks to Ole Savior for collecting several copies of today's Minnesota Daily which had his photo and interview on the back page...right next to my own photo and interview, in a happy coincidence. He kept telling me my photo wasn't me, and I kept telling him I couldn't believe my photo had turned out so well either. I think we found finally found some common ground discussing what turned out to be our shared opinions of one of our common opponents (whom I will leave unnamed).

I found out later that Mr. Hartwig had also attended but I missed him. I was sorry to miss him because I was hoping I could get the chance to hear firsthand about his experience "crashing" one of the big debates and I may have missed my best shot. (Come to think of it, I should have asked Mr. Cohen about that as well!)

As for the non-candidates, I think my most vibrant and fulfilling exchange went thusly:

Me: "Hi, I'm Chris; I'm running for mayor."
Him: "You don't have a chance in hell!"

He DID shake my hand while he said it, though.

I led off subsequent encounters with "Hi, I'm Chris; I'm running for mayor. (stage whisper) I DON'T HAVE A CHANCE." I got to hand out some cards advertising my Facebook space, which unfortunately were based on the exact same "free" Vistaprint template Dr. Bruyere had selected. Awkward!

I met some of the Wards 11 & 12 candidates - although I live in Ward 2, I'm happy to put in a good word for any of the folks I talked with tonight, including Matt Steele, Ben Gisselman and Chris Lautenschlager. (Apologies to Andrew Johnson for missing him.) Seeing the three Ward 12 opponents in close proximity, chatting amongst themselves was a cool thing. Actually, I think all the mayoral candidates got along as well. Now I feel bad; I probably should have reached out to Mr. Sparrow. There was also a really nice lady running for an at-large Parks seat ... yes, it was Meg Forney. It was nice meeting you!

Things really died off after 6; I think a lot of candidates tried to make both this forum and the other one, and there weren't too many people coming in late. I got to have a nice long chat with Mr. Fine (who remembered me from his door knock encounter at my house!) as well as a good chat with Mr. Iverson. He left me with two pieces of advice: "Don't stop running" (I think he may think I have it in me to be a good future "serial candidate") and "Always look ahead, never look behind - you might find they're catching up to you."

And I got my photo with him. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. (attached)

Great thanks to Gregg Iverson and everyone at the American Legion Post 99 for setting this up - it was really cool and I met a lot of really nice people I otherwise would not have. I am starting to see why folks leave the house to campaign and MAY regret not having done it earlier.

I'm also disappointed that more candidates didn't show up. In a way, I'm relieved that the only "serious" candidates were Mr. Fine and Mr. Cohen as I'm not sure I particularly care for any of the other ones, but it would have been very interesting to have them available to be challenged by some of the rest of us.

Anybody want me to come over and deliver a speech?